Dr. Petra Guasti

Illustration Institut für Politikwissenschaft
Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz

Georg Forster-Gebäude
Jakob-Welder-Weg 12
55128 Mainz

Raum: 04-313
Tel.: 06131-39-28150
Email: guasti@uni-mainz.de

Sprechstunde: Di 11 - 12 Uhr o. n. V.
Sprechstunde in den Semesterferien nach Vereinbarung per Email an: guasti@uni-mainz.de


Keine Kurse für die gewählten Einstellungen und das Semester (SoSe 2024) vorhanden.

SoSe 2024


WS 2011/2012:

  • Basisseminar „Internationale Beziehungen/International Relations“ (Gruppe F - Englisch)

Alle Lehrveranstaltungen finden Sie in Jogustine.



11/08 – 9/11 Wissenschafliche Mitarbeiterin
Institut für Politikwissenschaft und Sozialforschung, Universität Würzburg, Würzburg
DFG-Forschungsprojekt „Rechtsstaat und informelle Institutionen: Osteuropa und Lateinamerika im Vergleich“ (Leiter: Prof. Hans-Joachim Lauth),

12/04- Senior Researcher
Abteilung Politische Soziologie, Institut für Soziologie, Tschechische Akademie der Wissenschaften , Prag
Leitung eigener Projekte zu den Themen Demokratie, Partizipation und Representation; seit 2005 hauptsächlich Mitarbeit am RECON-Projekt (WP3, WP5 und WP8)

2003 - Gutachter / Country Expert für Tschechien
Bertelsmann Stiftung, Gütersloh
Bertelsmann Transformation Index (2003, 2006, 2008, 2010), Sustainable Governance Indicators (2008, 2010), zusammen mit Dr. Zdenka Mansfeldova

9/05-8/08 Junior Researcher und Doktorandin
Jean Monnet Centre for European Studies, Universität Bremen, Bremen
Mitarbeiterin im Projekt “Citizenship and Constitution: Transformations of the Public Sphere in East- and West-European Integration” (ConstEPS);
Seminare zu Integrationstheorie, qualitativer Sozialforschung mit Atlas.ti und Qualitative Comparative Analysis. Im Sommesemester 2007/2008 Lehrbeauftragte für das Hauptseminar „New Theories and Methods in Comparative Politics“ (zusammen mit K. Packham, T. Evas und A.Wyrozumska).

12/01-11/04 Junior Researcher
Abteilung Politische Soziologie, Institut für Soziologie, Tschechische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Prag (Vollzeit)
Mitarbeiter an zahlreichen nationalen und internationalen Projekten zu den Themen Demokratie, Partizipation und Repräsentation


8/2010 Osteuropa-Institut Bremen und Institut für Soziologie, Tschechische Akademie der Wissenschaften , Prag
Changing Europe Summer School, Informal Networks, Clientelism and Corruption in Politics, State Administration, Business and Society. Case Studies from Central and Eastern Europe, Prag, Tschechien

2005- Jean Monnet Centre for European Studies, Universität Bremen, Bremen
Promotionsstudium (2005-2008 Doktorandenstipendium der Volkswagen-Stiftung innerhalb des Forschungsprojektes ConstEPS )
Titel: „European Civil Society and Legitimacy of the European Polity“ (Betreuerinnen: Prof. Dr. Ulrike Liebert und Dr. Zdenka Mansfelodva)
Abschluss: 2011

2002-2007 Fakultät für Sozialwissenschaften, Karlsuniversität, Prag
Promotionsstudium (2002-2005 Doktorandenstipendium der Karlsuniversität)
Titel: „Charakter der Zivilgesellschaft in Tschechien im Mitteleuropäischen Kontext“ (Betreuerin: Dr. Zdenka Mansfeldova)

8/2005 Zentrum für Demokratieforschung, Leuphana Univeristat Lüneburg, Lüneburg
ECPR and DAAD Graduate Summer School Governance and Democracy in Central and Eastern Europe

7-8/2008 University of Essex, Colchester.
Essex Summer School in Social Science Data Analysis and Collection, Seminar: Models for Multi-Level Voting Behaviour (Prof. Soren R. Thomsen),

2001-2002 University of Lancaster und Zentrum für Sozialforschung, Warsaw
Master-Studium: Politische Soziologie (Stipendiatin der Open Society Foundation)
Schwerpunkte: Politische Theorie, Methoden
Abschlussarbeit: „Changes in Citizenship Participation Patterns: Comparison of Poland and the Czech Republic“ (Betreuer: Prof. Andrzej Rychard)
Abschluss: Master of Arts in politischer Soziologie

1999-2001 Karlsuniversität, Prag
Bakalarstudium Internationalen Beziehungen /Area studies
Abschlussarbeit: „Programmatische Orientierung deutscher politischer Parteien in der Weimarer Republik“
Abschluss: Bachelor of Arts in Internationalen Beziehungen /Area studies (Note: 1,0; Edvard-Benes-Preis, 2. Preis für Soziologie)

8/ 2001 New School for Social Research, New York
Democracy & Diversity Summer Institute in Krakau (Stipendiatin der Graduate Faculty of the New School for Social Reserach)
Schwerpunkte: Demokratieheorie und feministische Theorie

Akademische Mitgliedschaften / Aktivitäten

Seit 2008 Vorstandsvorsitzende von Adregius, Bürgervereinigung zur Förderung von politischer Kultur und Partizipation (Prag, Tschechien)
Seit 2008 Co-convenor ECPR Standing Group Central and Eastern European Politics (zusammen mit Prof. Paul Lewis), Mitglied seit 2003
Seit 2005 Mitglied: Executive committee of the Research Committee No. 8: Legislative specialists (RCLS), IPSA
Seit 2002 Mitglied im European Political Science Network
Seit 2002 Mitglied in der Masaryk-Gesellschaft für Soziologie
Seit 1998 Mitglied der tschechischen Gesellschaft für Politikwisseschaft



• Rechtsstaat und Korruption in den (neuen) Mitgliedstaaten der EU
• EU Erweiterung
• Theories of European Integration
• Demokratische Theorie
• Internationale Institutionen und Organisationen
• Zivilgesellschaft

Aktuelle Forschungsprojekte


Arbeitstitel: "Rule of Law and Compliance in Central and Eastern Europe"

Scholars such as O’Donnell include rule of law among the key dimensions in the study of foundations of democracy and its the implicit preconditions. In recent years, the concept of rule of law has been used profusely in both theoretical literature and Western comparative research. What seem to be lacking in the literature so far, is more profound analysis of the third wave democracies of Central and Eastern Europe (CEE).
In the CEE, the most important factor accelerating the changes in the rule of law, initiated in the transition, was the EU accession process – EU together with other international organizations fostered major changes in the in the area of rule of law - concentrating mainly on the reforms in judiciary sector and anti-corruption measures. However, the EU conditionality, as well as the leverage varied across the region, depending on contextual factors such as 1) cultural heritage (including strong path-dependency); 2) institutional factors - institutional set-up, the functioning of the checks and balances, independence of judiciary branch; and 3) actors constellation as well as willingness of actors to implement proposed changes.

The proposed project seeks to fill the gap in existing research by concentration on comparative assessment of EU conditionality and compliance in CEE region from 1997 to today. The project aims to: 1) identify the variety of approaches to the rule of law and their applicability in the CEE region; 2) analyze the interplay between rule of law and compliance in the CEE region in the context of EU accession process; 3) identify the key factors influencing the quality of the rule of law in the CEE region.


Bücher, Monografien, Forschungsstudien

  • Guasti, P., Muno, W., Niemann, A. (2015). „Introduction – EU Simulations as a Multi-Dimensional Resource: From Teaching and Learning Tool to Research Instrument”. European Political Science, 14 (1): 1-13.
  • Guasti, P. (2014). “Beyond EU Conditionality: Analyzing the Key Factors affecting Rule of Law in Central and Eastern Europe after the EU Accession“, in Kostova, D. et al. Institutional Trust. MD Academic Pubslihing, Sofia, Pp.215-248.
  • Guasti, P. (2013). The Politics of Inclusion: Comparing the Contribution of Civil Society Actors to EU legitimacy”. in Schieck, D. The EU Social and Economic Model After the Global Crisis: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Surrey: Ashgate, Pp. 141-164. ISBN: 978-1-4094-5731-2.
  • Guasti, P. (2013).A Panacea for Democratic Legitimation? Assessing the Engagement of Civil Society with EU Treaty Reform Politics”. in: Liebert, U. et al. Democratising the EU from Below? Citizenship, Civil Society and the Public Sphere. Surrey: Ashgate, Pp. 135-164. ISBN: 978-1-4094-6413-6.
  • Guasti, P. and Mansfeldova, Z. (2013). “Czech Republic in the Context of Europe: Post-Enlargement Successes and Failures“.in A. Ágh, L. Vass (eds.). European Futures: The Perspectives of the New Member States in the New Europe. Budapest: Budapest College of Communication and Business, Pp. 269-299.
  • Guasti, P. and Mansfeldova Z. 2012. Euroskepticismus a percepce evropskeho integracniho procesu v Ceske Republice (Euroskepticism and the Perception of the European Integration Process in the Czech Republic). Prague: Institute of Sociology AS CR.
  • Guasti, P. Hronesova, J., Mansfeldova, Z. (eds.). 2011. The Nexus Between Democracy, Collective Identity Fomration, and EU Enlargement. Prague: Institute of Sociology AS CR. ISBN: 978-80-7330-198-9.
  • Guasti, P. 2011. The Europeanisation of Parliaments in Central and Eastern Europe. RECON Online working paper 11/2011, ISSN 1504-6907.
  • Mansfeldová, Z., Rakušanová Guasti, P. 2010. The Quality of Democracy in the Czech Republic. RECON Online working paper 14/2010, ISSN 1504-6907.
  • Rakušanová Guasti, P. 2008. „What does Central European Organized Civil Society Contribute to European Civil Society?“ in U. Liebert and H.-J. Trenz (eds.), Reconstituting Democracy from Below: New Approaches to Civil Society in the New Europe, RECON Report No 5/ ARENA Report No 08/6, Oslo: ARENA.
  • Rakušanová, Petra 2006. “The Constitutional Debate - a One Man Show? Václav Klaus and the Constitutional Discourse in the Czech Media”. ConstEPS Working Paper No. 6/2006 Bremen: Bremen University-CEuS.
  • Rakušanová, Petra. 2005. Civil Society and Civic Participation in the Czech Republic. Sociologické studie 05:05. Praha: Sociologický ústav AV ČR.
  • Mansfeldová Zdenka, Lukáš Linek, and Petra Rakušanová, 2005. „Legislatures and Representation in Central and Eastern Europe“ guest editors of monothematic issue of the Sociologického časopisu/Czech Sociological Review Vol. 41. No. 3.
  • Linek, Lukáš and Petra Rakušanová, 2005. „Why Czech Parliamentary Party Groups Vote Less Unitedly. The Role of Frequent Voting and Big Majorities” in Sociologický časopis/Czech Sociological Review Vol. 41. No. 3. pp. 401-422.
  • Mansfeldová, Zdenka, David M. Olson, and Petra Rakušanová (eds.), 2004. Central European Parliaments: First Decade of Democratic Experience and the Future Prospective, Praha: Sociologický ustav AV ČR.
  • Linek, Lukáš and Petra Rakušanová, 2002. Parties in the Parliament. Why, when and how do parties act in unity? Parliamentary Party Groups in the Chamber of Deputies in the years 1998–2002. Praha: Sociologický ústav AV ČR, edice Sociologické texty.

Artikel und Kapitel

  • Lenka Bustikova and Petra Guasti. 2013. "Hating Thy Imaginary Neighbor: An Analysis of Antisemitism in Slovakia", Journal for the Study of Antisemitism, 4.
  • Guasti, P. 2013. “A Panacea for Democratic Legitimation? Assessing the Engagement of Civil Society with EU Treaty Reform Politics”. in: Liebert, U. et al. Democratising the EU from Below? Citizenship, Civil Society and the Public Sphere. Surrey: Ashgate, ISBN: 978-1-4094-6413-6.
  • Guasti, P. 2013. “The Politics of Inclusion: Comparing the Contribution of Civil Society Actors to EU legitimacy”. in Schieck, D. The EU Social and Economic Model After the Global Crisis: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Surrey: Ashgate, ISBN: 978-1-4094-5731-2.
  • Guasti, P., Dobovsek, B., Ažman, B. 2012. Deficiencies in the Rule of Law in Slovenia in the Context of Central and Eastern Europe. Pp. 175-190, in, VARSTVOSLOVJE, Journal of Criminal Justice and Security 14(2).
  • Guasti, P. 2011. Raging the Streets Waking up to Reality. Global Street Process or a Sign of Legitimacy Crisis? RECON Policy Paper 12/2011.
  • Mansfeldová, Z., P. Rakušanová 2008. „Legislative Budgeting in the Czech Republic“. Pp. 279-291 in R. Stapenhurst, R. Pelizzo, D. M. Olson , L. Trapp, von (eds.), Legislative Oversight and Budgeting. A World Perspective. Washington D.C.: The World Bank
  • Rakušanová, Petra. 2007. „Women’s Representation in Czech Politics in the Context of the Parliamentary Elections of 2006: Trends and Challenges“, Pp. 171 – 187 in Šaradín, P., E. Bradová (eds.) 2007. Visegrad votes: parliamentary elections 2005-2006. Olomouc: Palacký Univeristy.
  • Rakušanová, Petra 2007. „The Constitutional Debate: A One Man Show? Václav Klaus and the Constitutional Discourse in the Czech Media“ In. Europe in Contention: Debating the Constitutional Treaty PEPS special issue Vol. 8, no. 3, 2007.
  • Rakušanová, Petra. 2002. “Establishment of the Party System and the Party-Voter Linkages: the Case Study of the Czech Republic.“ Pp. 209-220 in Contemporary Questions of Central European Politics, Plzeň: Vydavatelství a nakladatelství Aleš Čeněk.
  • Rakušanová, Petra. 2001. „The Role and Position of Committees of the House of Deputies of the Czech Republic in the Period of Transformation“, Central European Political Science Review, 2/2001.

Experten-Studien und andere

  • Guasti, P. and Mansfeldová, Z. 2012. Czech Republic Country Report. Bertelsmann Transformation Index 2012. Available at: http://www.bti-project.de/fileadmin/Inhalte/reports/2012/pdf/BTI%202012%20Czech%20Republic.pdf
  • Guasti, P. 2012. Nobody is Perfect: Rule of Law and Informal Institutions in Slovenia. Expert Case Study for the project "Rule of Law and Informal Institutions: Central Europe and Latin America in Comparative Perspective" coordinated at the University of Wurzburg and financially supported by the German Research Foundation (DFG), 75 p.
  • Guasti, P. 2012. Caught up between the Past and the Future: Rule of Law and Informal Institutions in Romania. Expert Case Study for the project "Rule of Law and Informal Institutions: Central Europe and Latin America in Comparative Perspective" coordinated at the University of Wurzburg and financially supported by the German Research Foundation (DFG), 82 p.
  • Guasti, P. 2012. Legacies of the Past: Rule of Law and Informal Institutions in Poland. Expert Case Study for the project "Rule of Law and Informal Institutions: Central Europe and Latin America in Comparative Perspective" coordinated at the University of Wurzburg and financially supported by the German Research Foundation (DFG), 87 p.
  • Mansfeldová, Zdenka and Petra Rakušanová, 2010. Strategic Governance Indicators Czech Republic 2008-2010. Expert study for Bertelsmann Foundation.
  • Mansfeldová, Zdenka and Petra Rakušanová, 2007. Bertelsmann Reform Index Czech Republic 2007. Expert study for Bertelsmann Stiftung.
  • Mansfeldová, Zdenka and Petra Rakušanová, 2007. Bertelsmann Transformation Index Czech Republic 2007. Expert study for Bertelsmann Stiftung.
  • Rakušanová, P.2007. Trends and Challenges in Women’s Representation in Czech politics in the Context of 2006 Parliamentary Elections. Prague: Forum 50%.
  • Mansfeldová, Zdenka, Wolfgang, Merkel, and Petra Rakušanová, 2005. Bertelsmann Transformation Index Czech Republic 2006. Expert study for Bertelsmann Stiftung.